
Join Our sCommunity

Ask-Unc is platform for businesses owners that continuously innovates the digital consumer experience to boost visibility for a network of business owners referred to as sCommunity.

We use group economics to enhance marketing opportunities for companies using co-op advertis- ing strategies for content generation and distribution, and connect business owners to consumers using artificial intelligence.

Join sCommunity

Membership Levels

Membership BenefitsMembership
Marketplace Promo Access
Unlimited Reel Development for Social
Lead Generation
Print and Promotional Products Discounts
Exclusive For Early Adopters Only Prioirty
AI Development
Ownership Opportunity For Early Adopters Only

Benefits of Our Membership

Marketplace Promo Access

Gives members a centralized place to promote their business and any active promotions, expanding their influence from brick-n-mortar foot traffic to a digital sales force. The marketplace gives consumers a one-stop location to source security installation and home automation deals

Exclusive Zip code Priority (10 zip codes)

Members will be offered exclusive zip code priority for leads in their preferred zip codes, if you are unable to accept a Lead, the Lead goes into the general pool.

Lead Generation

We’ve designed our AI module to answer consumer inquires in real time via AI and match them with business in our sCommunity based upon the details given. We prioritize generating leads through our site utilizing our content creation and distribution strategies, where we leverage co-op

Ownership Opportunities

For early adopters that maintain memberships for 12 months. Will be offered a small ownership percentage that’ll be based upon the amount of data and reels provided over that 12 month period.

Artificial Intelligence Development

We are utilizing transaction data between reels and successful leads generated to a fine-tune a community data driven AI module through ChatGPT. Members who retain ownership in 12 months will gain visible to data managed backend.

Detailed Storytelling Content Reels For Social Media

In our research we identified that many contractors understand their trade well and take images and post on social but the content doesn’t always translate the best or gain the traction they need to grow. That’s because social media consumers attention today is short due to the amount of content coming and content has to draw interest well to pull in consumer attention. Through detailed story telling we’re able to provide that value to business owners


  1. Independently owned and operated
  2. For Profit business
  3. Been in operation minimum 2 years
  4. Must be in our BETA MARKET “Home automation and Security System Installation + Monitoring”.
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